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Bindery, as the word suggests is the method of choice to bind, or hold together many pages of a catalog, manual, booklet, or ad book.

The number of pages will ultimately narrow down the selection, but budget and preference are always a consideration.

SADDLE STITCH BOOKLETS, stapling, require a minimum page count of 8 and a maximum of 60 respectively. When the page counts get up over 48, Perfect Binding is your most economical option. (This method requires catalog/booklet to have 4 page increments, i.e. 8, 12, 16, etc...)
PERFECT BINDING is a squared (glued) spine and has more of the look of a book. This method is slightly higher priced that Saddle Stitching and should only be considered if Saddle Stitching is no longer an option or you desire this even cleaner finish to your spine.
GBC BINDING or General Binding Comb, is a plastic comb available in assorted colors and is available in spine widths of 3/16" to 1". For large quantities, this binding option is not the most economical yet it offers great versitility to replace pages and have catalogs open completely flat and stay flat/open with ease. If the quantity of booklets is small, this method is a consideration.
VELOBINDING is another unique binding technique, effective for 10 pages up to several hundred. Not as economical for larger quantities this technique will allow a replacement of pages if necessary and is a matter of preference over GBC for the look of the finished spine.
COIL BIND is a spiral binding process where the coil is covered by plastic. The nice feature to this process is that it allows for a color selection on the spine. Colors available: Black, White, Red, Green, Blue, Silver, Gold.
Coil Thickness: 5/32" min. - 1 7/8" max.
WIRO BIND, as the name suggests, is a binding process that consists of a wire coil which spirals through all of the pages.
Wiro Thickness: 1/4" min. - 7/8" max.